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The purpose of this sub-group is to:

  • drive the multi-agency, co-ordinated implementation of Islington’s Offer which includes the delivery of the Early Help Family Support Strategy 2015-2025 and associated action plans, ensuring it effectively addresses needs.
  • provide governance for the Troubled Families Earned Autonomy Memorandum of Understanding 2018-2020: driving developments, making sure they meet with strategic priorities across the partnership as well as providing challenge and reviewing performance against the agreed outcomes framework.
  • agree and co-ordinate consistent, high-quality arrangements that deliver appropriate, and timely early identification and support for families with multiple needs, to improve outcomes for children, young people, and parents and carers.
  • advise on commissioning of a range of services that will have a positive and measurable impact on outcomes for children, young people, and adults in Islington families.
  • monitor and review the offer to ensure best value from all available resources and interventions are effective, and gaps and weaknesses in the offer as well as areas of duplication are minimised.
  • develop the multi-agency offer of Early Help and to ensure that early intervention and prevention are central to ensuring that children are adequately safeguarded within Islington.

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